Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Welcome to our kindergarten blog! To start I'd like to introduce myself. I am Krista Readel, the kindergarten teacher at Pingree-Buchanan Elementary School. This is my second year teaching kindergarten. I am so excited for a great year!

This year in kindergarten we have 8 girls and 4 boys. I am looking forward to getting to know the children and helping them learn and grow. On this blog I will keep you updated with pictures and posts of what is happening in kindergarten. I will be sending letters home with students of important information, what you will find on here is just a bonus. At the top of the page you will find different tabs. If you click on "Miss Readel" you will find my contact information. Please feel free to contact me at any time. For those of you that text I have found that this is a great way to leave me any messages as it is such a quick way to get back to you. There is also a "Wish List" tab where I may post items we would like in our classroom and a "Lesson Plan" tab. Please explore and let me know how you like the blog or any concerns or questions you have.

I am looking forward to a great year!

Miss Readel

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