ABC's of Kindergarten

A - Attendance:  

A successful school experience is influenced by daily participation. Regular attendance without tardiness is critical. If your child is going to be absent, please call the school at 252-4653 before the start of the school day to notify us if your child will be out. Tardiness: Students late to school are considered tardy.  Also if you pick your child up early, please call the office first to let them know so we are able to unlock the building for you. This will help to make sure all kids are safe and accounted for.  We appreciate your help!


Assessment is an ongoing process in kindergarten. I will be assessing your child informally throughout the year to keep parents informed of progress and to guide further instruction. Formal assessments for math, reading, writing, letter/sound knowledge and concepts of print will be done at the beginning of the year and before each report cards grading period.

B - Birthdays:

Your child’s birthday is a special occasion for him/her and we would love to share in the celebration!  Please feel free to send in a birthday treat for the class to enjoy on your child’s special day. Small, simple treats that are easy to distribute and eat  (cookies, brownies, cupcakes, etc.) work best. If you are planning a birthday party with friends, please only send invitations to school if you are inviting the entire class. This will eliminate hurt feelings. We will celebrate summer birthdays on their ½ birthday.  

Book Clubs:   

Occasionally a book order will come home with your child. These book orders have several valuable books at an inexpensive price.  Please consider taking advantage of these book orders.  

C - Conferences:

We have conferences twice a year – September & February. A conference schedule will be sent home with students as it gets closer to conference time.  

D - Dismissal Time:

School dismisses at 3:15. If your child is doing something other than his/her normal departure routine, please bring it to my attention in writing. If a problem arises and you have not sent a note to school, please call the office at 252-4653.   They will take care of the necessary arrangements.  My main concern at dismissal time is helping each child get home safely. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

E - Email:

One of the easiest ways to communicate is through email. You can contact me at any time.

F - Field Trips:

We will take a field trip in the spring of the year. 

G - Gym:  

We will be having P.E. on Mondays and Fridays. Your kindergartner must wear tennis shoes while in the gym.

H - Homework:

To help your kindergartner establish a wonderful ritual for life-long learning, please take time to do any math or reading homework that is sent home with your child.

I - Independence:

One of the most important aspects of kindergarten is developing independence. Children will be encouraged to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom.  You can help with their independence by giving them responsibilities at home and working with them on self-help skills such as zipping, tying, buttoning, etc.

J - Jobs:  

Kindergarten jobs are just one way to give the children ownership of their classroom and foster independence and responsibility at school. Some of our classroom jobs are: helper,           leader, paper passer, etc.

K - Keep Miss. Readel Informed:

It is important to keep all records current. If you move, get a new phone number or change arrival or departure procedures, please be sure to inform the office or me. We need accurate information in case of an emergency. Also, your children are very special and important to me. I hope to learn about their interests, families and hobbies. Please keep me informed of special achievements or events that occur in their lives.

L - Lost & Found:

Our school lost and found is located in the hallway by the office. If your child loses something and it is not located in the classroom, please check   this area or their bus if they ride one.


Label everything you want to see again! It really helps things find their way           home. You would be amazed at what grows legs and walks away!


The kindergarteners will not be checking out books from the library. We have books that they will bring home from our classroom instead. However, we do go to the library for ten minutes every day between recess and lunch for story time. 

M - Money:

Please remember that any time children bring money to school (lunch, book orders) it should come in a sealed envelope, marked with your child’s name and what the money is for.
N - Newsletter: A kindergarten newsletter will be sent home at the beginning of each month. It will keep you up-to-date on kindergarten life. It will contain information about our classroom activities, announcements, and upcoming school events.

Notes: Look for notes from the office and from me to come home in your child’s   folder.  Your child will be asked to place them on the left side of their folder. I will warn you in advance– there will be A LOT!

O - Open Lines of Communication: Parents and teachers are partners in a child's education. Communication between home and school is extremely important to me. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child throughout the year, please call the school at 252-4653, send a note, or email me. Let’s work together as a team to help your child have a successful year!
P- Parties: 

We will have many special days and celebrations throughout the year. Some of these include: Halloween, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas, 100th Day  of School, Valentine’s Day, and reading celebrations. Each child will be asked to supply snacks or beverages for one of these parties.

Q - Quick Good-byes Leave Dry Eyes!

R - Report Cards: Your child will receive a kindergarten report card documenting their progress at the end of each quarter to keep you updated on your child’s exciting growth!
Restroom: Our classroom has one restroom for the children to use. If they need to use the restroom while I am actively teaching they need to ask permission to leave the group. 

Rules: I strive to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for the children. I always emphasize making good choices and decisions. I am a big believer in positive reinforcement. Kids want to please! I will recognize outstanding behavior with verbal praise and positive notes. We have four rules in our kindergarten class to keep us on track…… BE SAFE, BE BUSY, BE KIND, BE YOUR BEST!
S - Schedule: 
 Monday: Phy. Ed., Music
 Tuesday: iPads                                             
 Wednesday: Music  
 Thursday: Counselor                                      
 Friday: Phy. Ed., Music

Siblings in the Classroom: 
The safety of the children in our class is of utmost importance. Many times throughout the year we will have field trips, class celebrations and other occasions when volunteers are needed. Because we want to focus on our kindergartners, their learning and their safety, siblings will not be able to accompany adults volunteering.
T - Taking Risks: 

I emphasize in our room that it is OK to make mistakes. I share with children mistakes I make and how I learn from them or find a way to improve the next time. I want children to feel safe and supported and understand that I am here to help, teach and guide them. I want children to know that taking risks are encouraged and part of learning.


We will visit the computer lab weekly and the kindergarteners will also have time with the iPads once a week with Mr. Nyland. I will also be bringing the iPads to our own classroom to do lessons when possible. We are also fortunate to have an Activboard in our classroom too!

U - Unique Children: 

All children are unique individuals. No child develops at the same rate. Childhood is a journey and not a race. We celebrate each child’s uniqueness and what makes each of us special. 

V - Volunteers: 

Pingree-Buchanan Elementary School loves parent volunteers!!

W - Website: 

Thanks to technology you can visit our classroom anytime you wish and take a peek at what the kindergartners are learning!

X - eXamine backpacks and folders daily:

Your child’s folder will be used for all things to be sent to and from school. I am really encouraging the children to be responsible for their things. Please help your child remember to empty and put their folder in their backpack each night.

Y - You: 

You can help to make your child feel successful this year by doing some of the following -           Reading to your child is the single most important thing you can do. It encourages them to become good readers and helps foster a love for books. Talk to your child about their day. Ask your kindergartener questions such as, “What did you learn today?” “What did you work hardest at?” Or, “What are you getting better at?” These questions cause children to reflect on their learning, which in turn helps them remember new information. Encourage your child to ask questions at school. Informed children are confident children. Make sure that they are feeling supported, valued and happy. It is the key to a successful year for your child. Mostly importantly, talk positively about school. Show enthusiasm for learning, it is contagious!

Z - ZZZZ’s: Your child should get plenty of rest each night. Most kindergarten students require 10-12 hours of sleep a day. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give to your child. It will help them to be alert and ready to learn each day!

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